Sanjivan Mahto, Sanjeeta Devi Obituary, Death – In a deeply distressing incident, a family of three was violently murdered in the Begusarai district of Bihar. This tragic event occurred in the village of Chiranjivipur, leaving the local community in a state of shock. The assailants invaded the family’s residence while they were asleep, committing a brutal act that resulted in the deaths of three individuals.
The deceased have been identified as Sanjivan Mahto, aged 40, his 36-year-old wife Sanjeeta Devi, and their 10-year-old daughter, Sapna Kumari. All three victims were discovered with severe head injuries. Their six-year-old son, Ankush Kumar, managed to survive the attack but suffered significant injuries and is currently receiving medical care.
The motive behind this horrific crime remains uncertain, with law enforcement officials indicating that the investigation is still in progress. It has been suggested that Sanjivan Mahto, who had two marriages, may have been embroiled in a domestic conflict with his first wife, which could have contributed to this tragic incident.
The district police are thoroughly investigating the case, exploring all possible leads. They have enlisted the help of forensic specialists and a dog squad to gather evidence from the scene of the crime. Furthermore, Sanjivan’s first wife has been requested to provide assistance in the investigation, as she may possess vital information regarding the circumstances surrounding the murders.
As the community grieves the loss of these innocent lives, concerns persist regarding the identity of the attackers. The police have filed a First Information Report (FIR) and are diligently working to apprehend those responsible. The victims’ bodies have been sent for autopsy to ascertain the precise cause of death.
This tragic event has left the residents of Begusarai in a state of disbelief and sorrow, as they confront the senseless violence that has devastated a family and the wider community. The quest for answers continues as authorities endeavor to uncover the truth behind this appalling crime.